What You Eat and What’s Eating You
This presentation was given on October 19, 2019 at a colloquia event sponsored by The New York State Society of Clinical Social Workers. Although it is geared to an audience of mental health professionals, the material is accessible to the non-professional.
The program can be viewed in full-length format although in the interest of time there have been some edits made which include most of the Q & A breaks with a few exceptions, including the ‘Clinical Application’ section where it’s been left intact. In the cases presented all names and identifying details have been changed in accordance with HIPPA policy to protect patient confidentiality. And for a few chuckles don’t miss the outtakes reel!
A reminder that all information here is educational in nature and does not constitute medical advice. Please review full Disclaimer below prior to watching. Enlarge to full screen for best viewing.
The Outtakes
The information on this website is educational in nature and intended to inspire, inform and help you in your journey of personal growth. It is not a substitute for professional medical, psychological or legal help and is not intended to diagnose, cure nor prevent any disease or disorder. You should never alter any protocols currently in place as prescribed by your health care professional without first discussing it with them. If you are considering other modifications to your lifestyle approach it should also be discussed with your health care provider.
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