Health Coaching
If you have begun reading this you are probably someone who is interested in health, and might be searching for a way to maximize yours. You also might be wondering: What the heck is a Health Coach?
Most people would like to improve their habits: eat better, sleep better, lose those cravings for sweets, lose weight, get more exercise, clear that brain fog, etc. etc. And many people have sincerely tried to do these things, sometimes many times, but remain stalled in a pattern of self-defeating behaviors. That’s where a Health Coach can help.
I work with people who are ready to make a real change in their life. As a Health Coach I help my clients make step-by-step changes to their diet and lifestyle so that they can really reach their goals. I support them through the process in a way that’s enjoyable and doable.
So if you’re ready to further explore hiring a Health Coach I am offering an initial consultation at a 50% discount.
Here’s what we would do:
- Identify your health goals and what you’ve imagined for your life.
- Figure out what you truly want to accomplish short-term and long-term.
- Better understand the blocks that are getting in your way.
- Learn how working with me will help you reach your goals.
- Tell you more about my extensive background in mental health, teaching and coaching.
Your next step is to get in touch and schedule your session. This offering is for you only if you are serious about making some lasting and positive changes in your life, and are ready to take an action toward that. If that’s the case I’d love to assist you.
Motivational Life Coaching
It is my goal to assist you in creating and implementing a plan that moves you along the roads of your life with less encumbering interference and gets you where you want to go--be it in the area of career, health, relationships or in any other part of your life that feels stalled. I have chosen a program name that carries GPS as it's acronym for much the same reason you put one in your car--it's helpful to have directions when you don't quite know how to get somewhere.
I want to help you ‘feel better’-- and I mean those words quite literally. A felt and dealt with emotion leaves your highway (your nervous system) much freer of traffic. If you ignore your dashboard settings, eventually you're stuck at roadside, often for hours, waiting for Triple A to rescue you. Had you heeded the low gas gauge, Check Engine light or reckless driver in the next lane, you would have spent some time, attention and anxiety tending to it but in the end gotten back on the road with much less trouble and stress.
My coaching style blends aspects of 'talk therapy', Energy Psychology and EFT (a form of meridian tapping) to assess a person's strengths and weaknesses, clarify goals and loosen resistances which can consciously (or more often unconsciously) get in the way. It should be noted that psychotherapy and coaching are decidedly different models and if you have had years of the former with limited or incomplete results, the latter approach might bring you some new angles on some old problems.
As far as EFT goes, it is one of the most effective and exciting techniques I have encountered in years. It combines aspects of Western psychology with its narratives, cognitions, emotions and beliefs, with Eastern medicine which sees blockages or disruption in the energy system as being the the root cause of disease or dis-ease. Tapping on certain points on the body while talking or thinking about a problem at the same time helps the nervous system 'open up' and flow more freely, optimizing the possibility of bringing entrenched problematical patterns to a new place of resolution. When a memory or maladaptive belief born of painful experience can reach this point it may forever remain unpleasant, but no longer serves as an impediment in terms of moving forward with your life. There is far more to say about EFT and its applications as well as the rest of this work, which will be more fully discovered as you begin to engage in the process. I like to say : 'Growth is a contact sport.'
That’s the overview of my approach. As you can see, I believe getting to and clearing conflicts trapped in your system is imperative in terms of clarifying and reaching your goals; and while as I've already stated, coaching is not psychotherapy, my extensive professional background has helped me develop expert listening skills, great empathy, and a keen eye for life themes. These abilities are invaluable in the delivery of effective coaching.
If your interest is piqued I welcome you to contact me and we can arrange a twenty minute complimentary consultation (by phone or Skype) to better determine what your needs and goals are, and to learn more how my services can help you open up and re-boot your life.
There are a number of coaching styles out there and I encourage you to research the options and pick one that fits your needs and personality.
Whatever your route, take it! And I wish you all best with your continued growth.
All coaching services are available in office or long distance.